Art Enhances the Garden
Permanent displays of salmon inspired artwork created by local artists may be viewed year ‘round.
The Garden Inspires Art
Lang Creek for many years has been a favourite destination for local artists. Individually and in small groups, they may be seen painting and sketching en plein aire. They express their appreciation for solitude and camaraderie, fresh air, soundscape of water and birdlife, and the rich diversity of native plants.
Photography and the Photographic Arts
Professional photographers and amateurs alike are drawn to the natural beauty and wildlife of the spawning channel and gardens. Images taken find their way around the world as they appear on gift cards and a variety of publications.
Locally, gift cards are available at Tourism Powell River.
Tourism website:
The Written Arts
The pristine natural setting provides a place for restoration and contemplation. Drawing inspiration from the changing seasons, wildlife, and spawning salmon, writers express their sentiments and appreciation through prose, poetry, and lyrics.
“We celebrate the circle of life in this place of perfect serenity.” Wendy Halliday, 2022
Lang Creek by Gerald Scholefield a poem written in 2018