Garden Signage
Signage placed throughout the Garden enables visitors to experience self-guided tours
seven days a week, year ’round.
Information Kiosk – to Welcome Visitors from Near and Far
- the rustic structure marks the entrance to the Garden
- wheelchair accessible pathway
- complimentary Garden brochures
- Kiosk construction by BOMB Squad Volunteers
The Kiosk houses 2 large custom-designed signs:
A. LANG CREEK NATIVE PLANT GARDEN provides information about:
- the history of the garden
- the diversity of the flora of south coastal British Columbia
- local geography, climate and garden zone
- team efforts get the job done
B. ETHNOBOTANY provides information about:
- native plant uses
- Tree of Life – Western Red Cedar
Feature Signage
In the garden beds, fourteen different plants are marked with special signs highlighting;
- photographs
- names of the plants in Tla’amin, English, and Latin
- botanical information
- ethnobotanical descriptions of how the plants were used traditionally by the Tla’amin people
Identification Markers
Several small markers placed throughout the garden provide names of plants in English, Latin and Salish.
The garden is sectioned into areas of interest with corresponding detailed signage. This arrangement enables small groups along with classroom aides and parent helpers to work undisturbed at individual assignments.
Special Topics and Centers of Interest
Special areas of interest are suited to small group study:
- Gardening with Native Plants
- Respect for the Garden
- Respect for the Forest
- Invasive Plants of South Coastal British – (this sign has been adapted with permission of Coastal BC Invasive Plant Committee)
- The Salmon Garden